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Rancher RKE2 must store only cryptographic representations of passwords.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-254567 CNTR-R2-000800 SV-254567r954864_rule Medium
Secrets, such as passwords, keys, tokens, and certificates should not be stored as environment variables. These environment variables are accessible inside RKE2 by the "Get Pod" API call, and by any system, such as CI/CD pipeline, which has access to the definition file of the container. Secrets must be mounted from files or stored within password vaults.
Rancher Government Solutions RKE2 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-02-25


Check Text ( C-58051r894460_chk )
On the RKE2 Control Plane, run the following commands:

kubectl get pods -A
kubectl get jobs -A
kubectl get cronjobs -A

This will output all running pods, jobs, and cronjobs.

Evaluate each of the above commands using the respective commands below:

kubectl get pod -n -o yaml
kubectl get job -n -o yaml
kubectl get cronjob -n -o yaml

If any contain sensitive values as environment variables, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-58000r859270_fix)
Any secrets stored as environment variables must be moved to the secret files with the proper protections and enforcements or placed within a password vault.